
Corporate Training – Collaborate in teams and channels with Microsoft Teams

Rp 7.875.000

  • > Training online, satu hari selama 4 jam
  • > Satu group terdiri dari 5 orang.
  • > Tanggal pelaksanaan dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan customer dan dapat dicheckout paling lambat 7 hari kerja, sebelum training dimulai.
  • > Harga yang tertera adalah harga per group.

Learn how to collaborate in Microsoft Teams through conversations in channels and chats, sharing files, and using Outlook with Teams. Personalize your environment by managing your notification settings and organizing your teams, channels, and chats.

What you’ll learn:

a. Post and interact with conversations in channels
b. Share between Outlook and Teams
Start chats and calls
c. Share and work on files with teammates
d. Organize your teams list, channels, and chats
e. Manage notifications
1. Introduction
2. Communicate in channels
3. Start chats and calls
4. Share between Teams and Outlook
5. Share and work with files
6. Organize your teams, channels and chats
7. Manage notifications
8. Knowledge check
9. Summary
This course includes:
1. Certification
2. Case Study
3. Modul
4. Get merchandise for lucky participants

1. Training online, satu hari selama 4 jam.
2. Satu group terdiri dari 5 orang.
3. Tanggal pelaksanaan dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan customer dan dapat dicheckout paling lambat 7 hari kerja, sebelum training dimulai.
4. Harga yang tertera adalah harga per group.


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