
Corporate Training – Explore Power Automate architecture

Rp 7.875.000

  • > Training online, satu hari selama 4 jam
  • > Satu group terdiri dari 5 orang.
  • > Tanggal pelaksanaan dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan customer dan dapat dicheckout paling lambat 7 hari kerja, sebelum training dimulai.
  • > Harga yang tertera adalah harga per group.

Solution architects are responsible for a solution’s overall design. Understanding the capabilities of Power Automate is imperative when designing the automation for the solution. This module focuses on Power Automate and its capabilities.

What you’ll learn:

a. Review options for automation and custom logic.
b. Review considerations for using triggers and common actions.
c. Explore how to use business process flows to guide users through business processes.
1. Introduction
2. Triggers
3. Common actions
4. Error handling
5. Best practice
6. Business process flows
7. Check your knowledge
8. Summary
This course includes:
1. Certification
2. Case Study
3. Modul
4. Get merchandise for lucky participants

1. Training online, satu hari selama 4 jam.
2. Satu group terdiri dari 5 orang.
3. Tanggal pelaksanaan dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan customer dan dapat dicheckout paling lambat 7 hari kerja, sebelum training dimulai.
4. Harga yang tertera adalah harga per group.


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