
Corporate Training – Build Office Add-ins for Excel

Rp 3.938.000

  • > Training online, satu hari selama 4 jam
  • > Satu group terdiri dari 5 orang.
  • > Tanggal pelaksanaan dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan customer dan dapat dicheckout paling lambat 7 hari kerja, sebelum training dimulai.
  • > Harga yang tertera adalah harga per group.

Looking to take your Excel game to the next level? Learn how to build custom add-ins that will revolutionize the way you work with data! With the power of JavaScript, you can manipulate text ranges, tables, charts, and more directly from the task pane of your Excel workbook. Ready to get started? Let’s build some game-changing add-ins!

What you’ll learn:

a. Create an Excel add-in that uses the Excel JavaScript API to manipulate a workbook
b. Demonstrate how to add and edit content in an Excel document
c. Explain how to deploy and host a custom add-in for Microsoft Excel
1. Introduction
Work with tables and charts in Excel workbooks
2. Exercise – Work with tables and charts in Excel add-ins
3. Work with Excel worksheets and Excel add-in commands
4. Exercise – Work with worksheets and add-in commands
5. Work with dialogs
6. Exercise – Work with dialogs in Excel
This course includes:
1. Certification
2. Case Study
3. Modul
4. Get merchandise for lucky participants

1. Training online, satu hari selama 4 jam.
2. Satu group terdiri dari 5 orang.
3. Tanggal pelaksanaan dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan customer dan dapat dicheckout paling lambat 7 hari kerja, sebelum training dimulai.
4. Harga yang tertera adalah harga per group.


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