Kaspersky Security for Mail Server 15 – 19 nodes

Rp 750.000 / Year

  • > Scan incoming, outgoing and archived mail
  • > Intelligent spam filtering reduces network traffic
  • > Reporting, statistics and logs

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Kaspersky Security for Mail Server

For Microsoft Exchange and Linux-based mail servers

Email communication is mission-critical for every business. Unfortunately, it can be abused – from unscrupulous spam-based marketing to targeted phishing with financial fraud and infrastructure penetration in mind.

Kaspersky Security for Mail Servers provides a rock-solid frontline defense for corporate infrastructures by filtering out incoming spam and protecting users from malicious emails carrying malware, fraudulent requests and phishing URLs – while helping to prevent sensitive data from leaving the perimeter.

  • Kaspersky security for mail server has user-friendly management tools and also information on mail protection status for easier control
  • Has high performance and is highly reliable
  • Kaspersky mail security real-time has anti-malware protection supported by cloud-assisted Kaspersky Security Network.
  • Additionally is also VMware Ready certification which can be deployed in Microsoft Azure

Protection for mail servers
Kaspersky Security for mail servers protects e-mail on the latest versions of all leading e-mail and collaboration platforms: mail servers based on Microsoft Exchange, IBM Lotus Domino and Linux.

Multi-layered spam filtering
Cloud-based, intelligent spam filters for mail servers based on Microsoft Exchange and Linux work in real time and are thus able to significantly reduce the data traffic due to unwanted messages.

Optimal use of system resources
Thanks to a new anti-virus engine, load balancing processes for server resources, improved scanning technology and the ability to exclude certain items from scanning processes, Kaspersky Security for mail servers maintains system performance and minimizes the resources required for anti-virus scans.

Guaranteed stable security
An automatic restart after the system shuts down ensures stable security while you investigate the cause of the problem.

Easy administration
User- friendly administration tools, information on the mail security status, flexibly configurable scans and reporting functions simplify security administration.

Always up-to-date protection
Frequent database updates ensure proactive and always up-to-date protection against malware and spam.

Efficient protection
Thanks to the reliability and low resource consumption of Kaspersky Security for Mail Servers, system performance remains stable and the flow of basic business processes is barely affected.

Virtualization support
Kaspersky Security for Mail Servers is certified as VMware compatible.

Global and local support
Kaspersky Lab offers world-class technical support and a wide range of support programs for businesses.